We will further promote business operations that emphasize sustainability as an asset management company.
We will accelerate our efforts to resolve material issues as an operating company.

Nomura Asset Management
ESG Statement

At Nomura Asset Management, we believe the essence of our business lies in providing high quality products and investment solutions that meet the performance and service expectations of our clients. As a fiduciary asset manager, we strive to ensure our business contributes broadly to the development of society by abiding by high ethical standards, building a deep, trusting relationship with our clients, and seeking sound business operations. We seek to realize a sustainable, prosperous society in which the rich natural environment is preserved, diverse human capital is utilized, economy development is driven by technological innovation, human rights are respected, and well-being is promoted. It is a society in which ESG*1 issues are addressed and the SDGs*2 are achieved. We recognize that it is important for companies to properly manage the risks related to ESG issues, and to view the resolution of ESG issues as new business opportunities and appropriately reflect them in management strategies. We believe that these actions are essential factor to drive investment returns. Based on the recognition, we work to resolve ESG issues as a responsible investor to fulfill our fiduciary duties, while promoting business operations that emphasize ESG in order to realize a sustainable, prosperous society through the virtuous cycle of investment.

  • *1 ESG sands for Environment, Social and Corporate Governance.
  • *2 SDGs stand for Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a call for action for all countries to achieve by 2030.
  • Environmental

    This policy provides specific action guidelines for "5. Climate change" and "6. Natural Capital" set forth in the Nomura Group Sustainability Statement, which outlines the direction of the Group's sustainability-related activities and our response to environmental and social risks. Based on this environmental policy, we will actively address environmental issues while always being aware of our responsibility to protect the environment.

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  • Human

    Based on our mission to help to enrich society through our expertise in capital markets, the Nomura Group is working to realize a sustainable society through its business activities. We recognize that respect for human rights is an essential and important element in achieving a sustainable society.

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  • DEI&B

    In accordance with the Nomura Group Corporate Philosophy and Code of Conduct, Nomura Asset Management strives to enhance its corporate value over the long term by creating a healthy work environment in which all its executives and employees, regardless of nationality, race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, creed, social status, or disability, are able to achieve their full potential, while respecting the diversity and differing values of its executives and employees in our company.

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  • Social

    With the social mission of "Contribute to the creation of a truly prosperous society through financial and capital markets" we work to solve social issues by providing market-based services.

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